Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work presents a technical and methodological approach for studying the growth rate of plant cells under influence of external hydrostatic pressure, as one of the important thermodynamic growth parameters. This approach involves the using of original pressure chamber adapted to optical microscope and gas system for supplying and releasing pressure. The paper contains the detailed design and drawing of the chamber, as well as the scheme of experiment conducting with chamber using, including a description of additional hardware and software. The use of this chamber makes it possible to investigate the changes in the size and growth rate of plant cells in dynamics directly with the change in external pressure in the range from 0,1 to 1 MPa. The main results of the external hydrostatic pressure impact study, obtained using this technical and methodological approach, are presented. In particular, on example of the roots of corn seedlings, it was shown that increasing of external pressure up to 0,3 MPa causes acceleration of elongation growth in the cells of the root epidermis. Prospects for the further using of the developed system as applied to studies of growth processes in plant tissues are presented.

pressure chamber, plant cells, elongation growth
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