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Abstract (English):
The domesticated population of the Japanese quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica dom. ) is an effective animal model of age-related ophthalmological orientation. The paper presents the results of the size measuring of quail chickens eye and its structural elements using scanning acoustic microscopy technique (50-100 MHz). The dynamics of the eye structures development and their formation in the early stages of postnatal development are shown. In vitro measurements were performed at 10, 20 and 30-day-old chickens, as well as on 65-day-old juvenile birds. Data on the age-related formation of the size and configuration of the eyeball, cornea, anterior chamber, lens, vitreous body were obtained. The results are the basis for further research to identify factors that provoke and prevent early myopization of the eye.

ontogeny of the eye, Japanese quail, acoustic microscopy
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