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Abstract (English):
The modern world acquires a special place of research, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population, which determines the need to find new effective methods for diagnosing and treating human pathologies based on the principles of personalized medicine. Normally, the body maintains an optimal microelement balance, which ensures a normal metabolism. An imbalance in the intake and assimilation of nutrients naturally leads to disorders of mineral metabolism and the appearance of diseases. Therefore, the identification and assessment of shifts in the exchange of macro- and microelements with their subsequent correction are a promising area of modern diagnostics. In this work, 29 blood samples of women of different age groups were analyzed using the method of atomic emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma. Analysis of the data obtained showed a statistically significant increase in the level of iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium in women over 35 years old, which may be associated with the physiological characteristics of aging and the slowing down of metabolic processes with age.

peripheral blood, macro-, microelements, imbalance, elemental analysis
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