Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper describes the technique of high-frequency ultrasound examination in vivo of the cardiovascular system of lower vertebrates at the early stages of their development. The basis of the experimental setup used in the research is a scanning acoustic microscope with a spatial resolution of 20 μm, combined with an optical inverted microscope. It is shown that the spatial and temporal resolution of the sonographic module is sufficient for visualizing the structure of the heart and recording the movement of its components. Experimental work was carried out on individuals of Misgurnus fossilis and Danio rerio at the larval stage of development. The studied organisms after immobilization were placed in the immersion cell of the sonographic module, and the ultrasound data was recorded depending on the spatial coordinates and time. The received ultrasound scans clearly show the structural elements of the heart, they differ in the reflections of ultrasound signals from the walls of the heart and blood elements. The scans reveal the frequency of the ultrasonic spatio-temporal signal in terms of the temporal variable, which corresponds to the rhythm of cardiac activity. It has been demonstrated that the selected ultrasound signals can be used to determine the trajectory of the heart walls in its various regions, as well as to measure the blood flow velocity. It was found that the vertical component of the velocity of blood elements is approximately 0.8 and 0.08 mm / s during systole and in pause, respectively.

lower vertebrates, cardiovascular system, sonography, scanning acoustic microscope
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