Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the results of studies of the complexation of tricarbocyanine dyes with blood plasma proteins using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The main absorption band of the dyes under study is located in the near-IR region, which complicates their visual detection on an electrophoregram. In this regard, the detection of localization of dyes was carried out by their fluorescence using a laser fluorescence spectrometer. For scanning gels with a coordinate binding, a device was used, which consisted of a platform movable by micrometric screws, on which the spectrometer fiber holder was fixed perpendicular to the measurement plane. Scanning of the gels was performed until the stage of staining and visualization of proteins, at which irreversible destruction of tricarbocyanine dyes was detected. The coordinates were fixed relative to the boundaries of the gels, which made it possible to combine the distribution of proteins and indotricarbocyanine dyes on the electrophoregram. Proteins in complexes with dyes were identified by their molecular weight. On the example of a study using gel electrophoresis of solutions of human serum and bovine serum albumin stained with tricarbocyanine dyes, the possibility of detecting and identifying complexes of dyes with blood serum proteins has been shown. As a result, it was found that tricarbocyanine dyes with a chlorine-substituted orthophenylene bridge are able to form covalent complexes with albumin and Apolipoprotein A-I, the main structural element of high-density lipoproteins. It has been shown that polyethylene glycols with a molecular weight of 300 Da at the end groups of dyes do not affect this property.

tricarbocyanine dyes, complexation, blood plasma proteins, gel-electrophoresis, laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy
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