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Abstract (English):
The severe course of the disease caused by the coronavirus infection COVID-19 has its own characteristics that distinguish this type of virus among many infections. The paper developed and substantiated the hypothesis that respiratory and metabolic acidosis is one of the features of the pathogenesis of severe cases of COVID-19. Several mechanisms have been described that link the damaging factors of COVID-19 with acidosis, which have a trigger, stepwise nature of action with pronounced positive feedbacks. A drop in blood oxygen saturation with a decrease in blood pH in accordance with the well-known Verigo-Bohr effect is a characteristic feature of the severe course of COVID-19 and leads to depletion of the body's compensatory capabilities to regulate acidosis. Under conditions of hypoxia and acidosis, a readjustment of the immune system occurs, which prevents the completion of the disease, causing multidirectional activities to stimulate inflammation and its completion. In this case, the disease is often aggravated instead of recovery.

SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, acidosis, saturation, Bohr effect, positive feedback, trigger phenomena
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