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Abstract (English):
The aim of this work is to study the concentration of total protein and the level of hemoglobin in the blood of rat offspring after exposure to electromagnetic radiation during intrauterine development. Pregnant rats were irradiated with EMR 460 MHz on the "Volna-2" apparatus in a metal cylindrical chamber. Irradiation was carried out daily for 20 minutes, during the embryonic, pre-fetal and fetal periods of prenatal development (1-7, 8-16, 17-21 days of pregnancy) at a radiation power flux density of 30 μW/cm2. Studies have shown that 20-day-old rat pups taken from mothers exposed to radiation in each of the three periods of prenatal development have lower hemoglobin and total protein levels than the control group. The greatest decrease is observed in pups irradiated during the embryonic period. In 30-day-old rat pups, these parameters show characteristic differences for three periods of intrauterine irradiation. The content of hemoglobin and total protein is increased for rat pups irradiated during the embryonic and fetal periods; the greatest growth is observed in rat pups after irradiation in the embryonic period. In general, after birth, changes in the concentration of hemoglobin and total protein have a multidirectional nature: the concentration of total protein tends only to increase, and the concentration of hemoglobin initially decreases and begins to increase only after 20 days of life. Thus, the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the peripheral blood parameters, which are indirect signs of disturbances in physiological processes in the body, slowing down of redox reactions, a decrease and weakening of the immune response and reactivity, which cannot but affect the vital activity and life expectancy of the rat as a whole.

electromagnetic radiation, total protein, hemoglobin, prenatal development
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