Various methods of mixing cultures of lower phototrophs in photobioreactors for intensive cultivation are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods of mixing the cell suspension are presented. The advantages of the vortex mixing method as the most promising method for mixing microalgae cultures are noted. A fundamental feature of modern gas vortex devices is the creation of swirling air flows over the cell suspension. The air vortex above the suspension, due to the friction of the air against the interface and the pressure difference between the periphery and the center of the gas-air vortex, draws the cell suspension itself into the vortex movement, due to which a rather mild effect on the cells occurs during stirring. It is this mixing of the suspension with a swirling flow that makes it possible to exclude highly turbulent and stagnant zones, hydraulic shocks and the effect of cavitation, as well as the formation of both shear stress and local overheating zones, which have a detrimental effect on the viability of cell cultures sensitive to mechanical stress. Thus, in vortex apparatuses, practically all the requirements for mixing cells for a wide class of microbiological objects are satisfied. Much less requirements are imposed on cultures of microalgae during mixing. Therefore, for intensive cultivation of microalgae, it is sufficient to use a vortex only in the suspension itself, which greatly simplifies the design of the vortex apparatus. One of the simplest ways to create a vortex inside a suspension is to rotate a flat ring (diaphragm) submerged to a certain level by means of a mechanical drive or tangential introduction of an air flow into the photobioreactor. The production of such a ring is possible from any transparent material, for example, from sheet polycarbonate, which allows making a ring of any diameter, and the process of intensive cultivation of microalgae can be easily scaled to a predetermined level.
lower phototrophs, tornado, photobioreactor
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