Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
In the process of vital activity, aquatic organisms are constantly under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors. Bottom organisms and inhabitants of intertidal zones may experience a lack of oxygen (hypoxia). In addition, hypoxic conditions can occur when phytoplankton and algae overgrow (bloom), actively absorbing oxygen dissolved in water. Aquatic organisms in intertidal zones at low tide also experience hypoxia. At the cellular level, hypoxia can induce autooxidation of respiratory pigments, inhibits metabolism, and also reduces the immune functions of hemocytes in the hemolymph. In this work, the modeling of hypoxic conditions in in vitro experiments was implemented by exposing erythrocytes and hemocytes to a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The effect of fullerene on the induction of oxidative stress was also investigated. It was also shown that the addition of phthalates at a concentration of 0.4 mg / L led to the death of most mollusks within 24 hours, and at a concentration of 10 times more, all mollusks participating in the experiment died.
hydrobionts, hemolymph, oxidative stress, fullerene C60
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