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Abstract (English):
The paper considers the mechanisms of assimilation, fixation and utilization of inorganic forms of carbon by cyanobacteria cells. Carbon sources are carbon dioxide, which, depending on the pH value, can be in the form of CO2, bicarbonate ions HCO3- or carbonate ions CO32-. Carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ions are sources of inorganic carbon for microalgae. Therefore, it is the availability of carbon in one form or another that can act as a limiting factor for growth. To date, the CO2-concentrating mechanism in the cells of microalgae and cyanobacteria has been studied in sufficient detail, due to which the maximum rates of photosynthetic oxygen release at low and high concentrations of CO2 are the same. The efficiency of using intracellular carbon is increased due to the presence of an intracellular pool in which carbon is represented in the form of bicarbonate ions, and the reduction of CO2 losses due to diffusion processes. The literature describes the CO2-concentrating mechanism for different types of microalgae. Most of the studies of CO2-CM were performed on eukaryotic cells, in which the intracellular pool of carbon can be located both in the cytoplasm and in the stroma of the chloroplast. CO2-CM is also described for cyanoprokaryotes, in which, according to, carbonic anhydrase is not detected in the cytoplasm. On the basis of modern concepts of CO2-CM for A. platensis, a generalized scheme is proposed that describes the main pathways of inorganic carbon metabolism.

spirulina, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate ion, carbonate ion, assimilation, carbon-concentrating mechanism
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