Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Infectious viral diseases can be treated with the help of pharmaceuticals, as well as by restoring the patient's own protective systems of the body. A person has a system that recognizes foreign viruses by itself, destroys them and removes them from the body - this is the phagocytic system. With viral diseases, its abilities are greatly reduced. Therefore, at the end of the last century, a method was proposed to restore the properties of this system using non - invasive laser therapeutic effects on the blood and immune-competent areas of the patient's body-the bone marrow. A special laser equipment was created, and calculations were made of the amount of laser energy at a wavelength of 890nm, which must be delivered to the bone marrow during transcutaneous irradiation of the patient. In this way, it is possible to ensure its normal operation and restore the patient's own protective systems of the body. The proposed method was tested in clinics of St. Petersburg and Moscow: with its help, the recovery of patients with viral hepatitis (300 people), serous meningitis (47 people) and HIV-infected patients (over 100 people). Laser therapeutic effects were carried out with the simultaneous use of pharmaceutical drugs available at that time in clinics for the treatment of such patients. With such complex treatment, patients recovered in a shorter time and without relapses of diseases. At the same time, the antithrombotic effect of laser effects on bone marrow areas was established by clinical studies and explained theoretically. The medical part of these studies was led by Professor Tamara Sologub; the laser part was led by V.A. Ovsyannikov. The results of these studies have been reported at Russian and international conferences and are protected by patents of the Russian Federation. On their basis, two candidate's and one doctoral dissertations were defended, and the "Manual for clinicians, clinical residents and students of medical universities"was issued and approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2001. Unfortunately, now this method is undeservedly forgotten by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The report will consider the possibilities of its use for the treatment of other viral diseases.

treatment, viruses, restoration of the properties of the phagocytic and antioxidant system, blood clots laser therapy
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1. Kartelishev A.V., Rumyancev A.G., Evstigneev A.P., Smirnova N.S., Nasedkin A.N. Lazernaya terapiya i profilaktika v pediatricheskoy praktike: rukovodstvo dlya vrachey. M.: Izd. BINOM, 2016, 672 s. @@Kartelishev A.V., Rumyantsev A.G., Evstigneev A.P., Smirnova N.S., Nasedkin A.N. Laser therapy and prevention in pediatric practice: a guide for physicians. Moscow: Ed. BINOM, 2016, 672 p. (In Russ.)

2. Ovsyannikov V.A. Biofizika lazernyh terapevticheskih vozdeystviy. Dissertaciya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni doktora tehnicheskih nauk. Zashita v SPb, 2003, 219 s. @@Ovsyannikov V.A. Biophysics of laser therapeutic effects. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Sewn up in St. Petersburg, 2003, 219 p. (In Russ.)

3. Sposob lecheniya saharnogo diabeta. Patent na izobretenie RF № 2679865, Prioritet ot 12.08.2016 g. Patentoobladatel' Ovsyannikov V.A. Gos. Registraciya 13.02.2019 g. @@A method of treating diabetes mellitus. Patent for invention of the Russian Federation No. 2679865, Priority dated 12.08.2016. Patent holder Ovsyannikov V.A. State Registration 13.02.2019 (In Russ.)

4. Sposob lecheniya bol'nyh rakom s metastazami. Patent RF № 2741711, Prioritet ot 19.02.2020 g. Patentoobladatel' Ovsyannikov V.A. Gos. Registraciya 28.01. 2021 g. @@A method of treating cancer patients with metastases. RF Patent No. 2741711, Priority dated 02.19.2020. Patent holder Ovsyannikov V.A. State Registration 28.01. 2021. (In Russ.)]

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8. Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Ahmelkin A.G., Borisov V.Z., Ivanov L.V. Ustroystvo dlya cherezkozhnogo oblucheniya krovi i tkaney. Patent RF № 2112567, patentoobladatel' Ovsyannikov V.A., prioritet ot 15.03.1996 g. Opubl. BI 16-98. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Akhmelkin A.G., Borisov V.Z., Ivanov L.V. Device for transdermal blood and tissue irradiation. RF patent No. 2112567, patentee VA Ovsyannikov, priority from 03/15/1996, Publ. BI 16-98. (In Russ.)

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11. Masterova O.A. Issledovanie vliyaniya nizkointensivnogo lazera na kliniko-immunologicheskie pokazateli perikisnogo okisleniya lipidov u bol'nyh VGV i VGS. Dis. kand. med. nauk. SPb. 2000. Gos. Med. Akademiya poslediplomnogo obrazovaniya, 158 s. @@Masterova O.A. Investigation of the effect of a low-intensity laser on the clinical and immunological parameters of lipid peroxidation in patients with HBV and HCV. Dis. Cand. honey. sciences. SPb. 2000. State. Honey. Academy of Postgraduate Education, 158 p. (In Russ.)

12. Kuznecov N.I. Sostoyanie stromal'nyh kletok kostnogo mozga u bol'nyh virusnymi gepatitami V, S i VICh-infekciey, i ih znachenie v razlichnyh zabolevaniyah. Dis. doktora mad. nauk. SPb. MAPO, 2002, 217 s. @@Kuznetsov N.I. The state of bone marrow stromal cells in patients with viral hepatitis B, C and HIV infection, and their importance in various diseases. Dis. Dr. mad. sciences. SPb. MAPO, 2002, 217 p. (In Russ.)

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14. Sologub T.V., Pustasheva N.N., Rahmanova A.G., Kuznecov N.I., Masterova O.A., Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B. Primenenie nizko-intensivnoy lazernoy terapii v lechenii virusnyh gepatitov. Posobie dlya vrachey-klinicistov, klinicheskih ordinatorov i studentov medicinskih vuzov. GMA im. I.I. Mechnikova, MAPO, NIIEFA im. D.V.Efremova, 2001. @@Sologub T.V., Pustasheva N.N., Rakhmanova A.G., Kuznetsov N.I., Masterova O.A., Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B. The use of low-intensity laser therapy in the treatment of viral hepatitis. A guide for clinicians, clinical residents and medical students. GMA them. I.I. Mechnikov, MAPO, NIIEFA them. D.V. Efremova, 2001. (In Russ.)

15. Ovsyannikov V.A. Analiz lecheniya nekotoryh onkologicheskih i infekcionnyh zabolevaniy nizkoenergeticheskimi lazernymi vozdeystviyami. Mezhdunarodnyy kongress "Lazery nakanune tret'ego tysyacheletiya", Afiny, Greciya, 1996, Sb. tezisov s. 70. @@Ovsyannikov V.A. Analysis of the treatment of some oncological and infectious diseases with low-energy laser treatments.International Congress "Lasers on the Eve of the Third Millennium", Athens, Greece, 1996, Sat. abstracts p. 70. (In Russ.)

16. Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Pustashova N.N., Sologub T.V., Kuznecov N.I., Masterova O.A. Lazernaya terapiya virusnogo gepatita. I-yy Mezhdunarodnyy kongress associacii lazernoy terapii, Ierusalim, Izrail', 1996, Sb. tezisov s. 71. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Pustashova N.N., Sologub T.V., Kuznetsov N.I., Masterova O.A. Laser therapy for viral hepatitis. 1st International Congress of the Association of Laser Therapy, Jerusalem, Israel, 1996, Sat. abstracts p. 71. (In Russ.)

17. Ovsyannikov V.A., Sizova N.V., Maslov V.P., Gnevasheva G.I. Lechenie VICh - SPID pacientov lazernymi vozdeystviyami. Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya po SPIDu, Vankuver, Kanada, 1996, Sb. tezisov t. 2, s. 88. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Sizova N.V., Maslov V.P., Gnevasheva G.I. Treatment of HIV - AIDS patients with laser treatments.International AIDS Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1996, Sat. abstracts vol. 2, p. 88. (In Russ.)

18. Ovsyannikov V.A., Pustashova N.N., Sologub T.V., Kuznetsov N.I., Masterova O.A., Rakhmanova A.G., Petrov I. B. Laser therapy of viral hepatitis, «Laser & Technology" (Italy), 1996, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 115-119.

19. Ovsyannikov V.A., Sizova N.V. Lazernyy sposob lecheniya SPIDa. Patent RF № 2142828, patentoobladatel' Ovsyannikov V.A., prioritet ot 15.03.1996g. Opubl. BI 35-99. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Sizova N.V. Laser treatment for AIDS. RF patent No. 2142828, patent holder VA Ovsyannikov, priority from 03/15/1996. Publ. BI 35-99. (In Russ.)

20. Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V. Sposob fototerapii virusnogo gepatita. Patent RF № 2153905, patentoobladatel' NIIEFA im. D.V. Efremova, prioritet ot 15.03.1996g. Opubl. BIPM № 22, 2000. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V. Method for phototherapy of viral hepatitis. RF patent No. 2153905, patent holder NIIEFA im. D.V. Efremova, priority from 03/15/1996 Publ. BIPM no. 22, 2000. (In Russ.)

21. Ovsyannikov V.A. Analysis of the Low-Energy Laser Treatment of Some Cancer and Infectious Diseases. Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery, (USA), 1997, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 39-44.

22. Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Sizova N.V., Kuznecov N.I., Masterova O.A., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V. O vozmozhnom mehanizme i osobennostyah lazernoy terapii infekcionnyh zabolevaniy. Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya "Problemy lazernoy mediciny", Moskva, 1997, Sb. tezisov s. 284. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Sizova N.V., Kuznetsov N.I., Masterova O.A., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V. Possible mechanism and features of laser therapy for infectious diseases.International Conference "Problems of Laser Medicine", Moscow, 1997, Sat. abstracts p. 284. (In Russ.)

23. Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Sizova N.V., Kuznecov N.I., Masterova O.A., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V. Lazernaya terapiya infekcionnyh zabolevaniy: gepatit, VICh/SPID. Vserossiyskaya konferenciya "Medicinskaya fizika", Obninsk, 1997, Sb. tezisov s. 128. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Petrov I.B., Sizova N.V., Kuznetsov N.I., Masterova O.A., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V. Laser therapy of infectious diseases: hepatitis, HIV / AIDS. All-Russian conference "Medical Physics", Obninsk, 1997, Sat. abstracts p. 128. (In Russ.)

24. Ovsyannikov V.A., Sizova N.V., Maslov V.P., Gnevasheva G.I. O mehanizme lazernogo lecheniya VICh-pacientov. IV-y Mezhdunarodnyy kongress po SPIDu stran Azii i Tihogo okeana, Manila, Filippiny, 1997, Sb. tezisov s. 89. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Sizova N.V., Maslov V.P., Gnevasheva G.I. On the mechanism of laser treatment of HIV patients. IV-th International AIDS Congress in Asia and the Pacific, Manila, Philippines, 1997, Sat. abstracts p. 89. (In Russ.)

25. Ovsyannikov V.A., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V., Kuznecov N.I., Masterova O.A., Rahmanova A.G. Mehanizm lazernoy terapii virusnyh gepatitov. III-ya Mezhdunarodnaya konferenciya po terapii virusnyh gepatitov, Gavai, SShA, 1999, sb. tezisov s. 41. @@Ovsyannikov V.A., Pustasheva N.N., Sologub T.V., Kuznetsov N.I., Masterova O.A., Rakhmanova A.G. The mechanism of laser therapy for viral hepatitis. III International Conference on Viral Hepatitis Therapy, Hawaii, USA, 1999, coll. abstracts p. 41. (In Russ.)

26. Ovsyannikov V.A., Sologub T.V., Pustasheva N.N., Kuznetsov N.I., Masterova O.A., Rakhmanova A.G., Sizova N.V., Karpushina I.A. Laser therapy of infectious diseases: results and mechanism of therapeutic action.Laser Florence 2000: A Window on the Laser Medicine World. Proceeding of SPIE, 2001, vol. 4606, pp. 131- 137. [ (In Russ.)

27. Ovsiannikov V.A. Mechanism of Laser Therapy of Viral Hepatitis. - A chapter in a book "Frontiers in Viral Hepatitis" Ed. by R.F. Schinazi, C. Rice and J-P. Sommadossi. Printed in the Netherlands, 2002, pp. 325-331.

28. Sposob lecheniya bol'nyh rasseyannym sklerozom lazernym izlucheniem. Patent RF № 2200041. Patentoobladatel' Ovsyannikov V.A., prioritet ot 18.01. 2000g. Opub.v Gos. reestre 10.03. 2003. @@A method of treating patients with multiple sclerosis with laser radiation. RF patent No. 2200041. Patent holder VA Ovsyannikov, priority from 18.01. 2000 Published in the State. registry 10.03. 2003. (In Russ.)

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