Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work presents the results of experimental studies of changes in the state of the human buccal epithelium when using the tooth powder (ubtan product for teeth "mint "from the company "Ubtanica").The condition of the epithelial cells of the oral cavity was studied in 10 donors with pronounced inflammatory processes, 5 subjects were asked to use ubtan for teeth, and 5 people continued to brush their teeth with ordinary paste. After a two-week experiment, epithelial cells were reassembled from the participants. All donors who took tooth powder had a decrease in the total number of violations, the number of destructive anomalies decreased the most. In the subjects who used ordinary toothpaste, the results are not so unambiguous: some had a decrease in the number of violations, but less in percentage, others had an increase in cells with anomalies.

buccal epithelium, micronucleus test, nuclear anomalies, ubtan, tooth powder
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