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Abstract (English):
The redox state of lymphocytes of patients (adults and children) with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and their sensitivity was assessed before and after exposure to anticancer drugs (fludarabel, vincristine, dexamethasone, and imatinib) at concentrations close to therapeutic ones. It was found that alterations of reactive oxygen species level in leukemic cells after the short-term (2-3 h) and long-term (18-20 h) exposure to the studied drugs are differently directed. Affect of the investigated drugs on the children leukemic cells leads to an increase a cytosolic low molecular weight antioxidants (LMWA) content, but for donor’s cells this tendency is not observed. A fundamental difference of LMWA participation in the studied anticancer drugs metabolism in donor’s and patient’s cells was found. Moreover, cytosolic LMWA level in intact ALL children’s cells is an average 2 times higher than in donor’s cells. The individual sensitivity of the leukemic cells under anticancer drugs exposure is characterized by significant variability. It indicates about necessary to personalize cells sensitivity to chemotherapeutic effects ex vivo . Moreover, a certain sensitivity of donor’s cells to the studied anticancer drugs (except for imatinib) was found. It should be taken into account under using chemotherapy protocols during treatment of individual patient. For the possibility of personalized accounting of the cells response of ALL patients to chemotherapy, a change in their redox balance can be used as a prognostic indicator.

acute lymphoblastic leukemia, reactive oxygen species, low molecular weight antioxidants, cell viability, anticancer drugs
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