Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
At the moment, the most relevant is the study of plastic decomposition products and their impact on living organisms, since plastic is an integral part of our life, but its behavior during physical degradation has also been poorly studied. Phthalates by their chemical structure are derivatives of phthalic acids, by their physico-chemical properties they are mainly low-volatile, high-boiling liquids, poorly soluble in water. They are used as plasticizers, but are also found in cosmetics, perfumes, medicine, etc., Such a wide use of phthalates makes it necessary to assess their danger to living beings based on the analysis and generalization of their effects on organisms. During the experiment, the effect of phthalates on the hemocyte cells of the bivalve mollusk Mytilus galloprovinci was clearly shown. The conclusion was made about the effect of plastic decomposition products on a living organism.
phthalates, bivalve mollusk, plastic, hemocytes
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