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Abstract (English):
The effect of stress (water deficiency, high-temperature stress) and nitric oxide donor sodium μ2-dithiosulphate-tetranitosyldiferrate tetrahydrate Na2 [Fe2 (S2O3)2 (NO)4]2 × 4H2O (TNIC-thio) on the fatty acid composition and bioenergetic characteristics of 5-day etiolated pea seedling mitochondria was studied. Stressful effects caused the activation of LPO in the mitochondrial membranes. At the same time, significant changes occurred in the content of C18 and C20 fatty acids (FA). A decrease in the content of linoleic and linolenic acids, one of the main FA components of cardiolipin in higher plants, apparently caused a decrease in the maximum rates of oxidation of NAD-dependent substrates. The. treatment of pea seeds with 10-6M TNIC-thio prevented the activation of LPO, changes in the fatty acid composition of mitochondrial membranes, and contributed to the preservation of the bioenergetic characteristics of these organelles. By preventing the decline in energy metabolism, TNIC-thio probably has adaptogenic properties, that were also reflected in physiological parameters, namely, the growth of seedlings. Treatment of pea seeds and seedlings with the studied preparation prevented inhibition of root and shoot growth in conditions of water deficiency. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the protective properties of TNIC-thio are due to its antioxidant activity.

nitric oxide donors, water deficiency, heat stress, mitochondria, fatty acids
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