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Abstract (English):
By using of microelectrode techniques, patterns of change in the potential (φm) and resistance (Rm) of the plasma membrane (PM) of Chara fragilis cells under the influence of Dandelion–Hypericum-Calendula (DHC) phytocomposition solutions were studied. The values of φm and Rm are widely scattered: -90 ÷ -300 mV and 1 ÷ 32.6 Ohm·m2, respectively under the standard conditions. The average value of φm was -183 ± 4.9 mV, Rm = 9.2 ± 1.2 Ohm·m2. Using the dependences of φm, Rm on the concentration of K+ in the external environment, the ranges of activation of the K+ - channels to the inward (KCİR) and outward rectification (KCOR) were determined. Under the action of the DHC phytocomposition, while the cell was in the medium with the concentration of the composite 10-1 or 1 mg/ml, we did not detect changes in φm and Rm for 25 min. Stimulation or suppression of transport processes under the influence of composites occurred only with the exclusion of DHC from the composition of the nutrient medium and with a stepwise increase in the concentration of the composition in the medium. The electrophysiological effects of the action of the DHC composition are discussed from the point of view of its action on the lipid phase of the plasma membrane of the experimental cells.

Chara fragilis, membrane potential, membrane resistance, phytoprotectors, H+ -pumps, K+ -channels
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