Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Following four model systems on the base on the natural lipids to estimate the action of the water medium components on the biological objects were presented by using the earlier obtained data about the similarity functioning of the physicochemical regulatory system of the oxidation processes in the biological objects of varying complexity and the ability of phospholipids to the self-aggregation in the polar medium: the low temperature autoxidation of lecithin in the polar medium, the mathematic analysis of UV-spectra of lecithin and its mixtures with the water medium components by Gauss method, the self-aggregation of lecithin in the different polar medium, the ξ-potential value of the formed particles. As the model toxicants sodium thiophosphate and copper(II) ions were used. Scale of the sodium thiophosphate influence on the lecithin oxidation kinetics is shown to depend on the initial intensity of the lecithin oxidation and composition of its phospholipids. It is agree with the earlier obtained data about the influence of the chemical toxic agents under their intake into the body on the lipid peroxidation state in tissues of animals. In is established that the copper ions participate in the initiation of lecithin oxidation and form complex with its phospholipids. This influences on the ability of lecithin to the self-aggregation and electrophoretic properties of formed particles. Thus, the lipid component lability of the natural lipids allows us to reveal the action of components of the natural medium on the biological systems of various complexity even on the level of the complex biological model systems.
lecithin, autoxidation, UV-spectroscopy, Gauss method, dynamic light scattering, formation of micelles, ξ-potntial, sodium thiophosphate, copper(II) ions
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