Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
From the standpoint of eco-genetic adaptation of plants, from the position of interdisciplinary science – supramolecular physical chemistry, the dynamics of supramolecular topologically associated structures of the total chromatin matrix (TChrM) is considered: Np-nucleoplasm, ChrI-eu-, ChrII-heterochromatin and nuclear matrix. On the interface of which, the proteo-supermolecular reorganization of ensembles is presented: "linker", "core" histones and non-histones, the macrokinetics of which is important for understanding the features of biochemical processes in the genetic subsystems of a plant (root → mesocotyl → coleoptile) of the transition period from heterotrophic to autotrophic plant development. An algorithm for the features of the biological specificity of morphogenesis and structural stability of the genetic and proteomic basis of the TChrM model system, collection germs of wheat seeds, in the process of their organ-specific, coordinated-regular growth when switching development subprograms is shown where an experimental analysis of proteomic positioning in supermolecular assemblies was carried out: “linker”, "core" and "non-histone" proteins in different genetic subsystems (mesocotyl → root → highly differentiated embryo), respectively: donor (spring) → transferred to winter (donor winter-phenotype) → transferred back to spring-phenotype. Based on the distribution of nucleosomal arginine-rich “core” histone (H3-H4)'' on the TChM interface: donor (spring) Np=ChrI (mesocotyl) → transferred to winter (donor winter-phenotype) Np˃ChrII≥NM (root)→transferred again into the spring phenotype Np˃ChrI˃NM˃ChrII) (highly differentiated embryo); possible switching of genetic subroutines of development in the genetic subsystems of the whole organism is assumed, which is carried out due to the combinatorial principle of proteomic ensembles, potential epigenetic networks of the "histone code", in the conditions of environmental ecosystems.
Proteomics, Interphase chromatin topology, Supramolecular biochemistry, Karyogenomics, wheat, signaling systems
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