Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Samara FRC RAS
Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
The paper is devoted to the study of pulsed magnetic field impacting at the biological activity of a newly synthesized antifungal drug based on the imidazole 1,1-Bis(1H-imidazole-1-il)metanimine. Two experimental methods were consistently used for the study like as the treatment of an antifungal drug through installation of electromagnetic pulse emission and analysis of the results of treatment with the disco-diffusion method. During the experiments, the hypothesis of an increase in the antimycotic activity of an antifungal drug under the influence of a pulsed magnetic field was tested. The monitoring objects of the experiment were strains of the Penicillium adametzoides and the Aspergillus flavus. The antifungal drug was treated on the magnetic-pulse installation at the electromagnetic field strength H=(0.09÷0.27)∙106 A/m at frequency f=40 kHz with the number of pulses n=1. The analysis of experimental results has shown that the pulsed magnetic field has an effect on the antifungal drug, during which there is an inhibition of the growth of the colony of Aspergillus flavus by 71%. At the same time, in the process of studying the effect of the unirradiated antifungal drug impact at the grown colonies of the Aspergillus flavus, were not recorded the lysis zones increasing. Studying of the effect of the irradiated antifungal drug impact at the inhibition of the growth of the colony of the Penicillium adametzioides, there was not recorded lysis zones significant increasing. At the same time, during the experiment on the research of effect of the antifungal drug that was treated with a pulsed magnetic field at the grown colonies of the fungus Penicillium adametzioides, the maximum significant increase in lysis zones by 13% was discovered.
1,1-Bis(1H-imidazol-1-yl)methanimine, pulsed magnetic field, spectrum of biological activity, antimycotic activity
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