Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, Russian Academy of Sciences
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The influence of the nitrogen form (nitrate, amide, nitrate-ammonium) in the composition of the nutrient solution on the electrical characteristics of a bioelectrochemical system based on the electrogenic properties of lettuce was studied. The dynamics of the bioelectric potential (BEP) in the root environment-plants system, biometric and biochemical parameters of plant production using various nutrient solutions during the cultivation of lettuce by the panoponic method in intensive artificial lightculture have been registered. The average BEP value was 243 mV when using the nitrate form of nitrogen in the nutrient solution, 147 mV for the amide form and 178 mV for the nitrate-ammonium form. The maximum observed potential difference was characteristic of the variant containing nitrogen in the nitrate form, which probably indicates the potential-forming role of NO3-. An increase in the concentration of positive ions (Ca2+, K+, NH4+) on the lower electrode and negative (NO3-) on the upper one was noted, which corresponds to the polarity observed in the BES – the upper electrode is electronegative relative to the lower one. It is shown that the nutrient solution containing nitrogen in the nitrate form was the best in terms of size and stability of the studied options. The diffusion of ions in the root environment during the life of plants can become a new alternative source of electricity.
bioelectrochemical system, plant-microbial fuel cell, lightculture, lettuce, panoponics, electrogenic properties
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