Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The paper investigates the possibility of clustering mice based on the dynamics of the development of the tumor process. The study was carried out on mice of the C57Bl/6 line, with an intertwined Lewis carcinoma. The control group (group No. 1) was not administered drugs. The experimental groups were treated with chemotherapy using rubomycin (group No. 2) / magnetoliposomal rubomycin (groups No. 3 - No. 4). Group No. 4 was additionally exposed to an external magnetic field on the tumor area for 1 hour after administration of the drug. The drugs were administered on the 10th, 14th, 18th day after the tumor was transplanted. The reliability of the differences between the groups was determined using the Mann-Whitney U-test. Clustering of the obtained data was carried out using the k-means algorithm (kMeans). It was found that clustering confidently distinguishes a cluster of mice that have not received chemotherapy. It was also found that when clustering into three clusters, most of the mice from groups No. 3 and No. 4 were assigned to the same cluster, despite the fact that statistically significant differences were observed between these groups on the 21st day after tumor transplantation (p <0.05).
clustering, k-means, k-means method, principal component analysis, PCA, magnetic liposomes, magnetite nanoparticles, magnetically controlled carriers, targeted delivery, chemotherapy, rubomycin, Lewis carcinoma
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