Trends in the Development of Ultra-Wideband Direct Chaotic Communications
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Abstract (English):
The report discusses the development trends in the development of ultra-wideband wire-less communications based on chaotic signals. For the first time, direct chaotic communications were proposed in 2000 as a way to use noise-like (chaotic) signals for communication systems. The idea was to generate information-carrying signals directly in the region of radio or microwave frequencies where transmission takes place, and to modulate and demodulate these signals there without resorting to frequency transfer operations. In the basic version of the scheme, chaotic radio pulses were used as an information carrier, which made it possible to use “on-off” modulation and modulation of the positions of chaotic radio pulses. An envelope detector matched with the transmitted signal was used as a receiver. Another variant of the direct chaotic system is the recently proposed relative transmission scheme based on chaotic radio pulses. The report examines the characteristics and specifics of both schemes when used in ultra-wideband wire-less communication in the centimeter and decimeter wavelength ranges.

chaotic radio pulses, ultrawideband communications, energy reception, differential transmission
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