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Abstract (English):
It shows how naval aviator Richard Baird, explorer Donald MacMillan and Zenith Radio solid Eugene MacDonald successfully realized the first Arctic expedition using power and shortwave radio. The focus is on Zenith Radio Corp. shortwave radio technologies that deliver a specific goal and achieve success.

polar expedition 1925, Richard E. Byrd, Donald B. MacMillan, Eugene F. McDonald, Jr., Zenith Radio Corporation, shortwave communications in the Arctic, shortwave radio transmitters and radio receivers from Zenith
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1. Boston Sunday Post’s Special Map to Help You Follow MacMillan, Amundsen and Other Polar Explorations. URL: (20.06.2023).

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13. V. M. Pestrikov, Evolution of tube devices for wireless transmission of information. SPb : SPbGUSE Publishing House, 2012.

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