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Abstract (English):
The character of changes in the positional order in the arrangement of protein-induced water associates in aqueous solutions of tableted drugs containing antibodies to interferon-γ was studied by the method of gas-discharge visualization. As objects of study, we used aqueous solutions of tablet forms, which were obtained by applying antibody solutions (with a concentration of 10–24 mg/ml) onto a carrier (89% raw lactose, 10% microcrystalline cellulose, 1% magnesium stearate). The informative possibilities of the gas-discharge visualization method in the analysis of data on the entropy, fractality, and length of emission isolines caused by kilovolt electrons released from aqueous solutions of tablet preparations containing antibodies to interferon-γ are considered. It has been shown that the activation of solutions by antibodies to interferon-γ is associated with the intensification of associative processes accompanied by the ordering of protein-induced molecular complexes. In general, the obtained results indicate the preservation of water associates formed in the process of ultrahigh dilution in solutions of tableted samples with antibodies to interferon.

gas discharge imaging, antibodies to interferon-γ, ultra-low concentration, water associates
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