Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper considers mathematical models of the evolution of new biological species from a common ancestor, depending on the adaptability to the environment in the presence of a particular trait in the genotype. Equations describing the change in the number of individuals with dominant and recessive traits, taking into account their fertility, are presented. The calculation of the time for which the population of the species consumes vital environmental resources has also been made. Within the framework of this model, the growth rate of the population in conditions of a shortage of a food source is investigated. A mathematical model of the population growth of the species, the limits of applicability and methods of its continuation using equations describing the factor of population decline due to sudden changes in the environment are presented and described. The article presents criteria for the applicability of critical points of one mathematical model as initial conditions for another. The results of the calculations can be used in the framework of population genetics, as well as for environmental studies. On their basis, it is possible to make assumptions about the possibility of further evolutionary development of a biological species.

Driving forces of evolution, mathematical modeling, emergence of new species from a common ancestor, bottleneck effect
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