Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A technique for studying the absorption of microwave radiation of biological objects in a thin dielectric capillary is proposed. The results of experimental studies are presented and the mechanism of the detected effects of the biological action of microwave radiation is proposed. It was found that at a certain ratio between the dimensions of the waveguide, the diameter and thickness of the walls of the capillary, the dielectric parameters of the biological material that fills the capillary and the wavelength of microwave radiation in the waveguide, a significant increase in the absorbed power in a rather narrow frequency band (waveguide-dielectric resonance) is possible. This phenomenon must be taken into account in biotechnological experiments on the irradiation of suspensions. As a result of the work done on the study of the absorption of microwave radiation by hydrocarbon mixtures and models of biological objects in aquatic environments, new designs of measuring devices were created and a technique for hydrocarbon aquametry was developed. The created products are protected by the authors of this work by a patent for an invention.

waveguide-dielectric resonance, microwave radiation, EHF spectroscopy, rectangular waveguide, dielectric capillary, liposomes
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