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Abstract (English):
A method has been developed for producing pure hydrogen peroxide without admixture of NOx by replacing the nitrogen medium stabilizing the flare microwave discharge with water vapor when distilled water and its vapor at atmospheric pressure are treated with pure inert argon plasma. The dynamics of seed germination and development of cucumber seedlings in pure solutions of hydrogen peroxide, in solutions of medical 3% hydrogen peroxide stabilized with sodium benzoate, and in distilled water in the control were studied. The concentrations of hydrogen peroxide solutions in the range from 0,1 mg/l to 10 mg/l were used. Cucumber seeds «Competitor» with reduced germination (the result of long-term storage) were selected as a test object. Seeds of 30 pieces were placed in Petri dishes on filters, moistened once in the experiment with the studied solutions, and in the control with distilled water. It is shown that the germination of seeds and the development of seedlings in pure solutions of hydrogen peroxide reaches 95% at a concentration of hydrogen peroxide of 1,7 mg/l, while when using medical peroxide, the same indicator was 75% at a concentration of 0,1 mg/l. Higher concentrations of medical peroxide gave the worst result, in particular, concentrations of 3,3 mg/l and 10 mg/l led to inhibition of the seed germination process and showed the worst result.

plasma, stimulation, nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide, seeds
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