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Abstract (English):
The article describes experimentally confirmed peculiarities of the state of water in the cytoplasm of living plant cells, and offers a compelling explanation of its role. Under the “state of water” we mean structural organization of the water component of a cell’s cytoplasm, which largely determines physical and chemical properties of water and its role in bioenergetics’ mechanisms of living systems. Studying the aquatic environment of a living cell shows that it is organized according to two different mechanisms. The first one is a continual mobile liquid state, locally stressed by cell organelles, biopolymers and ions dissolved in the aquatic environment of the cytoplasm, mainly Na+ and K+. The second one is inactive, corresponding to self-organization of water molecules on the hydrophilic centers of biopolymers into fractal-like energy-intensive rod structures, predicted by Bul'enkov's theory. This form of water structuring is the basis for the formation of the molecular water system in any living organism – bioenergetics’ main material element. In the current study, existence of both types of water structuring in living plant cells was determined by an experiment with chlorophytum leaves which were observed under conditions of artificial drought. The experiment was carried out with the use of L-dielcometry method.

cell protoplasm, water structuring, bioenergetics, L-dielcometry, artificial drought
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