N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute of Emergency Medicine
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers one of the most important factors allowing to determine the possibility of wide and safe use of graphene nanoobjects in modern biomedicine - this is the biocompatibility factor, namely, the interaction of a graphene-containing substance with a given part of the body, which is realized at different scales and at different levels of organization of living matter. Graphene and its derivatives have shown exceptional properties and potential for various applications. While graphene derivatives as graphene-oxide (GO), reduced graphene-oxide (rGO), few-layers graphene (FLG), and multi-layers graphene (MLG) exhibit similar properties to graphene, more research is needed to address scalability and cost-effectiveness for practical applications. In tissue engineering, graphene-based materials have shown promise in scaffolds, biosensors, and drug delivery systems, but optimizing biocompatibility and functionalization strategies are crucial for safe and effective use. This work is a try to better understanding the complex interactions between graphene and biological systems, including cells, tissues, and organs, which is necessary for future research and expanding the use of graphene in biomedical applications.
graphene, biocompatibility, functionalization, biomedical applications
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