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Abstract (English):
Information on critical and lethal oxygen concentrations for some Black Sea fish is summarized. It is shown that the Black Sea fish species can be conditionally divided into two groups with respect to resistance to oxygen deficiency. Group 1 with high sensitivity and low resistance to hypoxia, which is represented mainly by pelagic and some bottom-dwelling fish species (Trachurus mediterraneus, Spicara smaris, Merlangius merlangus). Group 2 with low sensitivity and high resistance to hypoxia, representatives of which are mainly bottom and a number of bottom fish species (Scorpaena porcus, Mullus barbatus barbatus, Uranoscopus scaber). Among these species, the most resistant and least sensitive to hypoxia species are the S. porcus and the Neogobius melanostomus, which are widely represented along the Black Sea coast. The lowest values of critical and lethal oxygen tensions were obtained for them: 33-36 and 4-11 kPa, respectively. The range of dependent respiration is 22-31 kPa.

critical and lethal level oxygen, fish, Black Sea
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