The regularities of changes of not irradiated and irradiated with low doses of radioactive radiation Chara fragilis cells membrane potential (φm) and resistance (Rm) in the standard conditions and under the influence of extracts of sage, roots of licorice and danaya. has been studied with microelectrode technique. The average value of these parameters were -183 ± 4.9 mV and 9 ± 1.2 Оhm·m2 under the standard conditions. For Chara fragilis cells irradiated with a low dose of γ - rays, these values were φm = -202 ± 9.4 mV and Rm = 11.7 ± 3.6 Оhm·m2. The components of the primary active transport system of Chara fragilis cells, irradiated with a low dose of γ - rays, turned out to be sensitive to the action of phytoprotectors and the effective concentration, causing a reliable electrophysiological reaction was 1 mg/l. Activation ranges of K+ - channels to the inward and outward rectification were -130 ÷ -50 and -300 ÷ -162 mV. The cytosolic activity of K+ ions was 61.6 mM / l. Electrophysiological reactions of the PM were qualitatively and quantitatively determined by the initial level of φm and the concentration of phytoprotectors.
plasma membrane, membrane potential, resistance, phytoprotector, γ-radiation, Chara fragilis
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