Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Aromatic ligands behavior (caffeine and caffeine sodium benzoate) was analyzed in pure aquatic solution and in presence of fullerene C60. To investigate the influence of fullerene C60 conductomertric titrational curves were obtained. Presence of interaction was confirmed by difference of conductivities of C60/ligand mixture and total conductivities of pure C60 and pure ligand solutions at the same concentrations used in mixture. Significant influence was noticeable with the caffeine salt. The complexation caused noticeable reduction of ligand dissociation and as a result lowering the conductivity of solution. The results of this work can find application in improving the ways of drug delivery by means of their longer preservation in their native form.

Ключевые слова:
caffeine, caffeine sodium benzoate, C60 fullerene, molecular aggregation, aquatic solutions
Список литературы

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