Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
G. S. Sharygin - the founder and the director of the scientific school of radio engineering systems analysis and synthesis the Research Institute of Radio Engineering Systems of TUSUR, academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher School and the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation, a member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Science on the complex problem of radio wave propagation, a IEEE member , the Chairman and a member of the dissertation councils, the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. He was awarded several medals of the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia, the Medal of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of the Russian Federation “For the contribution to the development of engineering sciences,” the sign “Inventor of the USSR”, marked by the letters and gratitude of the University, city and regional administrations, the Council rectors of universities of Tomsk region as well as Russian enterprises. The article provides biographical information, a brief scientific biography, citations from unpublished memories of G. S. Sharygin, reflects the fact of his interest in issues of the history and methodology of science and technology, as well as participation in the work of the 2nd Region 8 IEEE Conference on the History of Telecommunications (Madrid, 2010) and in the work of the sections “History of development of radio technologies and telecommunications, the history and methodology of science and technology” of the CriMiCo conference (Sevastopol, 2014 and 2015).
radar, phase and amplitude distortions of signals, decimeter and centimeter range, land and sea paths, radiolokaciya, fazovye i amplitudnye iskazheniya signalov, decimetrovyy i santimetrovyy diapazon, nazemnye i morskie trassy
1. Sharygin G. S. Statisticheskaya struktura polya UKV za gorizontom. M. : Radio i svyaz', 1983. 140 s.
2. Radioklimaticheskiy troposfernyy atlas Tihogo okeana / Pod red. G. S. Sharygina. Tomsk : Tom. gos. un-t sistem upravleniya i radioelektroniki, 2000. 170 s.
3. Prostranstvenno-vremennye iskazheniya santimetrovyh radiosignalov na nazemnyh trassah rasprostraneniya i ih vliyanie na tochnost' passivnyh sistem mestoopredeleniya / [V. P. Denisov i dr.] ; Tomskiy gos. un-t sistem upr. i radioelektroniki. Tomsk : Izd-vo TUSURa, 2014. 501 s.
4. Sharygin G., Sharygina L. Long-distance tropospheric propagation investigations in USSR last century. V kn. : 2nd Region 8 IEEE Conference on the History of Telecommunications : A Century of Broadcasting - HISTELCON 2010 (Madrid, 3-5 noyab. 2010 g.). 2010. S. 237-241.
5. Sharygin G. S., Sharygina L. I. Issledovaniya troposfernogo rasprostraneniya radiovoln nad poverhnost'yu Chernogo morya. V kn. : 24-ya Mezhdunarodnaya Krymskaya konferenciya «SVCh-tehnika i telekommunikacionnye tehnologii» - KryMiKo’2014 (Sevastopol', 7-13 sent. 2014 g.). 2014. T. 1. S. 47-48.
6. Sharygina L. I., Sharygin G. S. Izuchenie istorii radioelektroniki v tehnicheskom vuze. V kn. : 25-ya Mezhdunarodnaya Krymskaya konferenciya «SVCh-tehnika i telekommunikacionnye tehnologii» - KryMiKo’2015 (Sevastopol' 6-12 sent. 2015 g.). 2015. T. 1. S. 59-60.
7. Ermolov P. P. Issledovatel' troposfernyh radiokanalov nad morskoy poverhnost'yu. Pamyati professora G. S. Sharygina (1934-2018). V kn. : 28-ya Mezhdunarodnaya Krymskaya konferenciya «SVCh-tehnika i telekommunikacionnye tehnologii» - KryMiKo’2018 (Sevastopol' 9-15 sent. 2018 g.). 2018. S. 1851-1862.