The morphology of the dried blood plasma drops from the patients with oncopathology has been studied. The structural features characteristic for the dried blood plasma drops from the patients with diagnosed prostate carcinoma have been revealed. It has been demonstrated that diagnosis may be identified better due to the possibility to attribute a tumor to the type Т2 or to the type Т3. Semiquantitative results for the spatial distribution of calcium over the surface of the dried drop of a biological fluid and within the layers have been obtained using the laser atomic-emission spectrometry method. As shown, this method enables one to assess quantitatively the changes in albuminous centers and may be an effective diagnostic instrument. Based on the obtained experimental data, the early diagnostication technique for disorders in the functional reserves of a human organism may be improved and the adequate rehabilitation measures may be suggested.
biological fluid, drop morphology, laser atomic-emission spectrometry, double laser pulses, spatial distribution, layer-by-layer analysis, calcium
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