A spatial-temporal model is proposed that considers natural-anthropogenic ecosystems as a superposition of active media and takes into account the heterogeneity of anthropogenic and natural factors. The goal of the approach is to reveal mechanisms of their functioning and critical values of control parameters. Self-organization of such ecosystems in models of active media is considered on a synergistic basis of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, nonlinearity, and bifurcational development. Formation of natural-anthropogenic ecosystems is notably characterized by the presence of a distributed resources (energy, matter, information) and sources of influence that modulate system processes, as well as by complex dynamics of conjugated natural and anthropogenic subsystems determined by interactions of direct influences and feedbacks. The control parameters are natural and anthropogenic factors (excitable elements) forming the length and shape of autowaves. The rates of natural processes being much less than those of anthropogenic processes, the anthropogenic and natural processes in this model are considered as activators and inhibitors of system-wide processes, respectively. In the ecosystems, considered here as inhomogeneous active media, subthreshold interactions of neighboring elements are possible. The model allows for qualitative evaluation of threshold and subthreshold propagation of the autowave process in dependence on the intensity of sources, locations of excitable, weakly excitable, and non-excitable zones, existence of latent sources of autowaves, which, specifically, are population size and density, and other factors.
self-organization, active media, autowaves, natural-anthropogenic ecosystem, urban ecosystem, internal transition layer
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