In this work it was studied the distribution of transposable elements (TE) in the genome of the marine gastropod Littorina saxatilis . We investigated the nucleotide sequence of a length of about 360 thousand bp. Genome analysis L. saxatilis has revealed the repeats that are similar to the retrotransposons and DNA-transposons. The number of detected retrotransposons was higher than the amount of DNA-transposons in two and a half times (77 and 30, respectively). This is consistent with the fact that the replicative way to move contributes to the accumulation of the TE in the genome. Among the most widely represented retrotransposons were members of families of Copia , Gypsy , CR1 and DIRS . Among the DNA transposons were the most numerous family of Mariner , hAT and Sola . Further, we going to study the structure of the detected repetition to determine which ones are potentially functional TE.
Littorina saxatils, DNA, transposable elements, stress induction, insertional mutagenesis, Littorina saxatilis
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