Biophysical, morphological and biochemical studies on blood cells of different canines were conducted. For the sonication the ultrasonic therapeutic devices modified to work with external modulation with emitters operating at a carrier frequency of 0.88 MHz: UST-1-01F; Ultrasound T-5-UST 1.02S, were used. The US exposure time ranged from 10 to 50 seconds, ISATA - average over space and time intensity - from 0.05 W/cm2 to 0.7 W/cm2. The mean number of blood cells in the suspension sonicated was near (6-7) ×106 per 1 ml. Destructive, cytolytic, nucleolytic, and some other effects of continuous and pulse-modulated ultrasound, generally correlating with the type and the size of tissue cells of animal species, were discovered. The frequency spectrum of management affected the cell’s condition in vitro were identified. It was checked the possibility of the direct simultaneous action on the structure of the cytoplasmic membrane and the serum enzymes activity.
ultrasound, modulation, biological effects, blood cells, enzymes
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