Water deficiency, triggering lipid peroxidation, leads to a decrease in the content of unsaturated fatty acids (FA) with 18 carbon atoms in the membranes of mitochondria pea seedlings. This process is accompanied by a decrease of maximum rates of oxidation of NAD-dependent substrates and electron transport rates to the end site of the respiratory chain, also mitochondrial swelling. Introduction to the incubation medium of mitochondria 5×10-6 M cytochrome c restored of electron transport rates in the terminal site of respiratory chain. The same result was obtained in the processing of peas 2×10-12M. Melaphen (melamine salt of bis (oxymethyl)-phosphinic acid). Melaphen prevented mitochondrial swelling and reduces the maximum rates of oxidation of NAD-dependent substrates. It is assumed that the violation of bioenergetic characteristics of mitochondria in conditions of water deficiency, apparently connected with the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids included in the composition of cardiolipin, mainly linoleic acid, and therefore by reducing the content of this phospholipid in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Melaphen, preventing lipid peroxidation, restores functional activity of mitochondria, providing increased resistance of seedlings to water deficiency.
mitochondria, lipid peroxidation, cardiolipin, fatty acids
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