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Abstract (English):
Changes of fatty acids composition in the brain lipids of intact mice of Balb line with age increasing from 1 to 24 mounts were studied by capillary gas-liquid and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. It was found, that occurred with age the content of saturated acids was decreased monotonically, but the content monounsaturated acids was increased, and the content of polyunsaturated acids reached a maximum at 4 months and then decreased. As a result of long-term administration of low doses of oregano essential oil, the level of polyunsaturated fatty acids, (including docosahexaenoic acid, which is responsible for the preservation and maintenance of a number of vital functions of the brain) remained high. The average lifespan of mice, that were administered with essential oil, increased to 120 days.

fatty acids, mice brain, capillary gas-liquid chromatography
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