The finding of erythrocytes of urine is the symptom of a kidney disease. However, the differential diagnosis of isolated hematuria in children is a hard problem. The urine specific gravity, the urine pH level (pH) and titratable acidity are the typical tests, which are suitable in the clinical practice for specification of chemical content of urine. Nevertheless, these indicators can be quite unspecific. In the present study the circadian monitoring of urine pH in the combination with the measurement of urine buffer capacity was carried out for the chemical analysis of urine of patients with isolated hematuria. The goal of the present study was the improvement of differential diagnosis of urinary syndrome. It was found that crystalluria for patients with the rate of pH change during the day (dрНc) less than 0.2 h-1 when the values of the buffer capacity in the pH range 3- 9 (BCрН 3-9) ³ 0.12 mol / l is result of hypercalciuria. In contrast crystalluria for patients with dрНс > 0.2 h-1 and BCрН 3-9 £ 0.08 mol / l is result of the false or true phosphaturia.
chemical composition of urine, urinary syndrome, hematuria
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