In the liquid phase of water and aqueous solutions, the presence of transparent spherical structures, their periodic appearance, growth, destruction and reappearance, consistent with fluctuations in the physical-chemical parameters of the liquids under study, was observed. These spheres consist of liquid-crystal water forming "exclusion zones" around hydrophilic colloidal particles. The growth of spheres leads to a decrease in the volume of free water and an increase in the osmotic pressure, which, after reaching a critical value, leads to the destruction of spheres. Thus, all complex dynamics is controlled by phase transitions of water - from free to bound (liquid crystal) state and back. Osmotic pressure acts as an information intermediary and synchronizer of phase transitions in the entire volume of the fluid. Liquid-crystalline aqueous spheres exhibit the properties of a viscous liquid and evaporate at 300 ° C. When the water freezes, they turn into ice balls. The similarity of liquid crystal spheres to "polywater" and "bottom ice" is discussed.
liquid water phases, self-oscillations, dynamics of mesomorphic water structure
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