In this article, a model of spatio-temporal self-organization of urban ecosystems as a superposition of conjugate active media is proposed. This type of ecosystem is characterized by a high rate of population growth and density due to the concentration of residential, industrial, commercial and other objects, as well as communication media. These conditions disturb the dynamic balance of energy flows and information material, reduce "buffer capacity" natural subsystems and increase nonlinearity, and therefore the instability of system processes. The model is based on the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation, modified by the authors, taking into account the heterogeneity of anthropogenic (activator) and natural (inhibitor) factors. The proposed model makes it possible to identify threshold values of control parameters and to consider the basic principles of the development of autowave processes forming the structures of urban ecosystems. The proposed model allows to identify threshold values of control parameters to consider the basic principles of autowave processes that form the structure of urban ecosystems.
active media, autowave self-organization, urban ecosystems
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