Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The present work is aimed at developing a theoretical model devoted to hierarchical structure formation in biomacromolecules. Previously, in macromolecular systems, the alternating levels of the hierarchy of chiral objects in the sequence from the "lower" asymmetric carbon atom to supercoiling and supramolecular structures were identified - a regular alternation of the sign of the chirality of D-L-D-L is observed with the transition to a higher level of the structural and functional organization of DNA, as well as the change in the sign of the chirality of L-D-L-D in protein structures. The authors compiled an algorithm for searching and calculating the mathematical parameters of the spiral structures of known protein molecules along the coordinates of their atoms and conducted optimization of the processing of cases with non-obvious helix for subsequent database storage allowed conformations of superspirals. This information can be used to systematize protein superstructures by parameters and to analyze the compliance of allowed zones with their functional load.

chiral hierarchy, molecular machines, protein self-organization
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