The project is destined at the engineering of new promising supramolecular structures for medical and biological applications that have the ability to bind and/or compact DNA molecules. The fundamental novelty of the project is the using of new macrocyclic compounds - pillar[5]arenas, which can work as containers for drug delivery, including genetic diagnostics and pharmacology. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy and NMR diffusometry were used to study the ability of 4,8,14,18,23,26,28,31,32,35- decakis-[(N-(2', 2', 2'-triethylaminoethyl) - carbamoylmethoxy] -pillar[5]arene decay iodide to interact with the palindromic DNA decamer. The completely assigned of the NMR spectra of the oligonucleotide and the pillar[5]arene was carried out using the two-dimensional homo- and hetero-nuclear NMR spectra: COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HSQC, HMBC. The hydrodynamic radius of the pillar[5]arene is determined, which is in good agreement with the theoretically calculated one. The formation of the molecular complex pillar[5]arene with a DNA oligonucleotide is confirmed by measurements of the coefficients of self-diffusion of molecules in free form and in a complex.
illar[5]arene, DNA, supramolecular associates, structure, NMR spectroscopy
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