Effects of water-soluble sulfur-containing phenolic antioxidants sodium 3-(3'-tert-butyl-4'- hydroxyphenyl)propyl thiosulfonate (TS-13) and potassium 3,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxybenzyl thioetanoate (BEP-11-K) on chemoresistance in tumor cells were studied. Explored phenolic antioxidants were found to cause oppositely directed changes in the redox properties and chemoresistance in tumor cells. It was established that BEP-11-K increases the redox buffer capacity and tumor cells resistance to doxorubicin. TS-13 reduces the redox buffer capacity, which leads to a decrease in the chemoresistance in tumor cells. The obtained results indicate the crucial role of cell redox properties changes in the development of tumor cell drug resistance.
chemoresistance, sulfur-containing phenolic antioxidants, reactive oxygen species, tumor cells, redox state
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