The role of the following processes in the manifestation of the functional activity of inulinase was studied: a) the formation of dimers with a changed spatial structure (at 45 and 55 °C / pH 4,5, 5,0-6,5 / UV irradiation at doses up to 453 J/m2 for yeast and plant inulinase and up to 4530 J/m2 for the fungal enzyme), b) the formation of tetramers and larger associates (at 61 °C and higher / pH 3,5 and 13,0 / UV irradiation of yeast and plant inulinase molecules by a dose 755 J/m2), c) the dissociation of the enzyme molecule into subunits (at 60 °C / pH 3,0). The schemes of the response stages for various inulinases to high temperatures (up to 70° C), high and low pH values (from 3,0 to 13,0), UV radiation (240-390 nm) at doses of 151- 6040 J/m2.
inulinase, monomer, dimer, tetramer, association, dissociation
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