This acticle is about study of the Fisher-KPP type equation with a special right-hand side in the form of Mono function. This type of equation is often used in the modeling of biological systems, for example, in the system of equations describing the growth of tumor cells. Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of this type equation with different sources, this type of source is rarely found in studies. Mono function occurs when it comes to biological populations, which can react only when adsorption, as well as in many other cases. The aim of this work is to research this type of equations. For assigned task, the comparison theorem and the theorem of the constancy of the wave form in time were proved, and the behavior of the solution of the equation in the neighborhood of zero and infinity was found. The results of the analytical solution were confirmed by numerical solution.
KPP equatin, Mono kinetics, nonlinear parabolic equation, comparison theorem, models of biological systems, numeric modeling, traveling wave type solution
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