A comparative study of a series of industrial animal fats and vegetable oils of different nature was carried out using refractometry and infrared spectroscopy of disturbed total internal reflection (FTIR). The General linear dependence of refractometric indicators - refractive index and iodine number for all considered categories of lipids in the range of iodine number from 6,7 to 157,5 units-is noted. The study of IR spectra of vegetable oils showed a linear relationship between the iodine number and intensity of bands responsible for valence vibrations of C=C-bonds (1653 cm-1), CH-groups with double bonds (n=СН = 3008 cm-1), asymmetric (2923 cm-1) and symmetric (2853 cm-1) oscillations of methylene groups, decreasing as the degree of unsaturation of fatty oils increases. Butters fall out of this dependence. No such regularity was observed in the analysis of the spectral characteristics of animal lipids. The observed experimental fact is explained by the aggregate state of animal fats, by the difference of their species nature, which determines the difference in the set of carboxylic acids forming triglyceride associates different in composition, structure, stability and physico-chemical properties.
animal fats, vegetable oils, refractometry, infrared spectroscopy
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