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Abstract (English):
A spectrophotometric method for the estimation of antioxidant properties of preparations has been developed on the base of inhibition of paprika carotenoids auto-oxidation. Carotenoids as paprika extract were coated on the porous inert polysaccharide as a support. In such case, the process of auto-oxidation developed faster than in any other method for estimation of antioxidants efficiency. It was shown that developed method was effective for comparison of the antioxidant activity of essential oils and extracts of spices, ionol and ascorbyl palmitate. The most important advantage of the method is that carotenoids are almost identical to polyunsaturated fatty acids in ability to interact with oxygen radicals. Therefore, the results obtained are in good accordance with behavior of antioxidants in real lipid-containing model systems and food products.

spectrophotometry, antioxidants, paprika, carotenoids, essential oils and extracts of spices, ionol and ascorbyl palmitate
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