The work explored the influence of moderately chronic doses of NaNO2 on the oxidative modification of Hb and RBC, changes the activity of catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GP) and the intensity of peroxide oxidation of lipids (LPO). Analysis of the spectral lines of Raman Spectroscopy shows that the ability of the Hb to bind O2 I1580/I1548 in a suspension of erythrocytes treated with NaNO2 is significantly higher than control and this effect directly depends on the concentration of NaNO2 and significant even at the minimum concentrations of NaNO2 (0,07 mm), and relative ability of Hb to give ligands I1375/I1580 is also dose dependent but in the opposite direction. Manifestations of symmetrical and asymmetrical vibrations of the pyrrole rings of Hb (I1375/I1172) increase with an increasing nitrite dose by ~ 14 %, which indicates the presence of conformational changes in the pyrrole rings associated with the oxidative modification of Hb. MetHb accumulation also dose-depend and reaches its maximum at 30-40 minutes, this is accompanied by the intensification of processes of LPO and the increasing share of membrane bound Hb. It is characteristic that the development of oxidative process is accompanied by a decrease in catalase activity and the activity of GP changes ambiguously and multiple grows with increased NaNO2 contents. Noting these facts, we can say that the already relatively small concentrations of nitrite of sodium can affect the conformation of Hb, resulting in a change in his affinity for O2. This stimulates oxidative modification of Hb, which is reflected in the increasing accumulation of metHb and loss of activities of catalase and GP, and at high concentrations of nitrite to increase the activity of GP.
erythrocytes, hemoglobin, catalase, glutathionperoxidase, LPO, sodium nitrite
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